
  • What Are The Benefits of Using Magflo Meters?

    Mag Flow meters (Magflo) are special meters offering many advantages over other types of flow meters. Some of the common benefits of these meters are:

    • Siemens Magflo will rarely impede flow and even if it does, it doesn’t cause pressure-drop across the instrument. 
    • These meters do not have any moving parts. The feature makes them incredibly durable and less prone to blockage. 

    Inline Full Bore Mag Flow Meters

    These meters use advanced inductive technology and it works well with liquids that are conductive such as water media. Therefore, the flow of most solvents and oils, whether they are petroleum based or vegetable based, cannot be measured by Mag flow meters. 

    If you want the Siemens Magflo to give you accurate measure, it is important to fill the pipe completely with the liquid to be measured. It is essential when mounting the unit. 

    There are different types of Mag Flow meters available and with each brand, you will find different benefits of the. Talking about the Siemens Magflo, here are some advantages it offers above other flow meters available in the market. 

    • It offers zero up and zero down installation capabilities.
    • It offers a special lining for drinking water applications requiring special approvals.
    • It offers increased low flow accuracy for water leak detection.

    The flow meter is suitable for underground installation and permanent immersion. It can be best put to use for marine vessels that remain fully submerged.

    Get your Siemens Magflo here.

  • Benefits Of Using Air Quality Monitoring And Improving Mechanisms In The House

    The first important benefit of it is that you can keep a track of the quality of air inside the house. and based on that you can actually enhance the quality of the air that you are breathing. You can ensure that the air around you are cleaner and safer and free from pollutants pr particles which can be harmful to you and your family.

    One of the most commonly found air pollutant inside the house are VOCs- which stands for Volatile Organic Compound. A lot of things around the house can be a source of these VOCs for instance carpets, paints, cleaning supplies, and board furniture can be a result of this.  These are chemical compounds which are released in gaseous state.

    Some of the common VOCs which can be extremely harmful to the human health are benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, etc. These can have a severe negative impact on your health and can increase the risk of cancers in human beings. They can also cause allergies or and are also responsible for a lot of other issues pertaining to human health such as respiratory ailments, headaches and even damage to the central nervous system.

    Of course, one way to ensure that this does not happen is to enhance the air quality inside the house by keeping the windows open and allowing for the air to keep circulating and adding air purifiers to the room. It is important that you install air quality sensors inside the house and at the same time install indoor plants. If you are looking for air quality sensors, consider Control Store.

  • Benefits of Tridium

    Tridium is a multinational software and technology firm that allows for managing and controlling multiple systems and devices in real time over the Internet, regardless of their manufacturer or communication protocol. The advantages of the Tridium software corporation are discussed here.


    One of the best features is how affordable employing a software development team is.

    Let’s say you wish to preserve the unity of your development team for as long as feasible.

    In that situation, you’ll also need to budget for their maintenance, infrastructure expenditures, office space, training, and pricey new equipment in addition to their monthly salary.


    Skilled programmer will have practiced their craft for quite some time. Tridium got User Experience and all the other bases covered regarding software development. They are also familiar with maintaining your software’s integrity and the latest patches.


    A specialized workforce gives you more project decision-making power, one of its benefits. The nature of your company’s activities will significantly impact how swiftly or slowly you decide to move.

    Save time:

    Spending numerous hours trying to find out how to do something on your own may be avoided by hiring a professional Tridium software developer.

    You can divert your attention somewhere in your company.

    The time and energy invested in finding the perfect dedicated development team is a far better investment than putting together an in-house team.


    To survive in today’s competitive corporate climate, digital transformation is a must. However, achieving these objectives of superior user experience, scalability, and competitive advantage at a significantly lesser cost is feasible.

    By outsourcing your software, you may quicken the pace of innovation and spend more time and money on your company’s most crucial functions.

  • Reasons To Buy a Temperature Regulating Device

    A smart thermostat is prepared with innovative progressed sensors that can naturally alter the temperature of your living place based on your preferences and likelihood. It can be controlled with a phone, tablet, smart speaker, or another internet-connected gadget. With this, you’ll spare more cash on your house bills and decrease your carbon impression while remaining comfortable in your home.

    Benefits of Smart Thermostat

    Permits you to control the temperature

    A smart thermostat is a Wi-Fi-enabled gadget that alters your domestic warming and cooling temperature settings for ideal execution through your smartphone or tablet. It permits you to control the temperature of your domestic from any place, at any time, based on your schedule.

    Advanced sensors

    These have advanced sensors that can distinguish when you’re present at home or absent. It permits the thermostat to alter the temperature based on your presence.

    Track your temperature preferences.

    Another key highlight of a smart thermostat is its capacity to memorize your inclinations over time. The indoor regulator will track your temperature inclinations and alter its settings appropriately. It implies you won’t always change the temperature yourself – the thermostat will do it for you.

    Variety of energy-saving features

    Smart thermostats offer an assortment of energy-saving highlights. For case, a few models can identify when your windows or entryways are open and alter the temperature in like manner. It makes a difference in avoiding vitality squandering and keeps your budget comfortable.


    A smart thermostat is undoubtedly worth considering if you want to lower your bills and make your place more comfortable. Contact ControlStore for a smart thermostat that will naturally alter the temperature to save energy when you’re absent.

  • What Exactly Is Humidity and Temperature Sensor

    The temperature of the surroundings is detected by a temperature sensor, a piece of electronic equipment that converts the incoming data into electronic output data to control, record, or communicate temperature variations. Temperature sensors come in a variety of varieties.

    Some of these, known as contact temperature sensors, require direct touch with the actual physical target that is being detected.

    Others, referred to as non-contact temperature sensors, measure the targets’ temperatures indirectly.

    In order to “sense” or detect any physical change in that temperature and create an analog or digital output, temperature sensors quantify the amount of heat energy or even coldness produced by a product or system.

    Using industrial tools produces crucial results, one of which is a temperature sensor. Several manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers offer temperature sensors, and there are many temperature sensors available for purchase.

    What Is a Humidity and Temperature sensor?

    Humidity and temperature sensors are straightforward devices that take the level of heat or cold and convert it into a straightforward unit. But have you ever considered how houses, large concrete dams, land boreholes, or soil temperatures are measured? Well, some specific temperature sensors are used for this. Visit this page to clearly understand what a temperature sensor is.

    They are used in many aspects of our daily life, including thermometers, refrigerators, microwaves, and home water heaters. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including the geotechnical controlling area. They are used in this industry to regulate the state of concrete buildings, bridges over soil or water, and other structures for structural variances caused by seasonal fluctuations.

    Temperature sensors are designed to keep a frequent check on unique infrastructure like railroad lines, concrete or earth dams, highway bridges, etc. The most popular type of them used to gauge the degree of temperature everywhere is a thermometer.

  • What Is the Need of Temperature Sensor

    Around the world, temperature sensors are used for a wide range of practical applications in numerous sectors. In essence, these sensors give information to a system that helps it estimate or precisely detect the temperature of a certain object or environment.

    Temperature sensors are an essential tool in a wide range of industries, including food processing, medical applications, petrochemical handling, automotive monitoring, biological research, geological studies, HVAC systems, and other consumer electronics. They are actually used in our own homes, offices, vehicles we commute in, and even in the everyday items we use!

    What is measured by a temperature sensor?

    While you might just assume that temperature sensors are used to determine an object’s or environment’s temperature, they are really utilized for more complex purposes. Many temperature sensors are used to determine whether a process is occurring within a

    certain range in addition to measuring things like this. Temperature sensors are mostly used in preventative reliability, which helps verify that a system is working properly and identify any coming risks of hazard or failure.

    Contact temperature sensors

    No matter if the object being measured is a solid, liquid, or gas, these kinds need to touch it. They merely measure their own temperature, but we may assume that it is in thermal equilibrium with whatever it comes into contact with (i.e. are the same temperature).

    Non-contact temperature sensors

    By measuring the thermal radiation radiated by an item or heat source, they gauge temperatures at a distance. These are frequently used in circumstances with extreme temperatures or danger where you need to keep a safe distance from a specific body.

  • What Is a Smart Thermostat?

    Lately, many people and businesses have turned to the use of smart thermostat so that they can remotely adjust the heating and cooling in their homes. Not only these smart thermostats look elegant and sophisticated that their non-smart counterparts, but they also offer several things in terms of convenience, efficiency, and features. Best of all, they can also help you save on heating and cooling costs.

    Let us take a close look at the functions of a smart thermostat.

    A smart thermostat, is a thermostat that you can control with a phone, tablet, smart speaker, or any other internet-connected device.

    Smart thermostats typically allow you to schedule the desired temperature settings, and you can also incorporate them into home automation systems.

    Different types of thermostats are available in the market and all of them work according to their specific models. All the smart thermostats can offer a plethora of cool features.

    Some thermostats can also learn your heating and cooling preferences and automatically adjust according to what they have learned. Many smart thermostats also have diagnostic features, which will tell you if there is some technical error in the working of the device.

    If you install a high-grade thermostat, it will also remind you of when it is time to perform your system maintenance, when it is time to change your air filter, and so on. Furthermore, your smart thermostat will also tell you the details regarding your energy consumption.

    If you want to install a smart thermostat in your home, reach out to us.

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